V6 only opens maximized, won't size down
Since I updated to V6, I've had a lot of probs, but this 1 takes the cake - I can only open it maximized & when I try to get it to size down with the double box, size down icon in the upper rt corner, not only won't it return to some smaller size so I can manually resize it, but it simply disappears to the start bar & when I try to do anything with a rt click on the start bar icon, all I can get is `maximize'
Needless to say, I regret updating & wish there was a button somewhere to `return to the previous version'
frebe at alumni.sfu.ca
All Replies (5)
Try hitting F11.
Yes, worked, thanks - However there's another prob - when I shut down & then want to restart, FFx tells me there's still a version running, so I have to shut it down (which I just did) or reboot my computer - Bummer!
frebe at alumni.sfu.ca
Must be the "hang at exit" problem.
- Stop the Firefox process:
- Mozillazine - Kill application
- Windows 7 users click here
- Why Firefox may hang:
- Firefox hangs (see Hang at exit)
- Firefox hangs (Mozillazine) (see Hang at exit and Closing Firefox properly)
- Firefox is already running but is not responding
- Use Firefox Safe Mode to find a problem with an Extension or Plugin:
- Don't check anything when entering Safe Mode, just continue
- If the problem does not occur in Safe Mode it is probably and Extension or Plugin causing the problem
- See:
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Not related to your question, but...
You need to update some plug-ins:
- Plug-in check: https://www-trunk.stage.mozilla.com/en-US/plugincheck/
- Shockwave Flash (Adobe Flash or Flash): Updating Flash in Firefox
Yes, the `file' exit strategy helps stop the hang at exit, thus preventing a total reboot, but I've noticed another couple of probs - instead of FFx reloading his previous session, I have this `session from hell' thing still happening
You see every so often it reloads a 5 tab session from months & months ago, so I have to go to a separate session mgr add-on to try to get back to where FFx was when I closed it
Therefore I'd love to be able to completely make the `session from hell', which keeps coming back like a zombie, disappear from FFx forever
frebe at alumni.sfu.ca
Please post a separate question on your previous session/session manager problem so that when users are searching for answers, they may be able to find it if they are experiencing a similar problem. Adding a new question after the initial question makes it hard for other users to find answers. Thanks
If my FIRST reply ABOVE answered your initial question, please click "Solved It" next to THAT reply. DO NOT click "Solved It" next to this reply. Thanks.