The issue of Firefox browser failing to load pages properly after clicking on search results

首先,火狐浏览器的社区帮助发文我找不到,已经多次寻找了,可以说这几年我都没有找到过,没有成功反馈过任何bug 问题: 在搜索任意内容后,点开网页时,不会出现加载网页,会出现如图1情况 如图2所示情况,仅转圈不加载并且不会加载成功任何网页。如下图是转圈完成后不加载任何网页之后,切换网页再打开到问题网页的结果,可以看到,加载网页链接丢失,内… (read more)


问题: 在搜索任意内容后,点开网页时,不会出现加载网页,会出现如图1情况 如图2所示情况,仅转圈不加载并且不会加载成功任何网页。如下图是转圈完成后不加载任何网页之后,切换网页再打开到问题网页的结果,可以看到,加载网页链接丢失,内容丢失。同时有些网页伴有一次点击打开两个标签页的情况,我的鼠标没有双击,我确定没有双击,我换个新鼠标一样。 这种情况是在去年发生的,之所以今天我才列出来是因为之前有一小段时间没有很频繁的出现这种问题了,但是经过这次自动更新,这种问题基本会100%出现,故而讲出。 也是我在去年没有找到任何社区反馈窗口所以才停止了对这一问题的深究,但是不代表当时这种问题出现的频率低,当时出现的频率基本在90%以上,现在在本次更新后几乎变成了100%的概率,说实在的,我不清楚这个问题是不是只有我出现了,但是很让人恼火,对搜索体验和使用情况出现了极大的阻挠。 现在我如果想避免这种情况,我需要先打开一个无效网页然后再将搜索到的标签页链接拖拽到无效网页上去,可以有效打开一个网页,当然了,外部链接也是如此,经常像这样无法打开。 我检查过dns情况,dns首先是运营商dns,运营商dns会出现这种情况,我换到了其他多种dns,仍然会出现这种情况,所以我排除了dns的问题; 代理情况,没有任何代理,仍然出现此种问题。 我重置过火狐浏览器,效果不佳。


Asked by Jack Guo 1 month ago

Last reply by Jack Guo 4 days ago

Online working my dreams For the huawei devices

Resetting my phone to get it done in the networks with all servers settings updating and more new updates and Recovery system etc to do it on the app and also have a good… (read more)

Resetting my phone to get it done in the networks with all servers settings updating and more new updates and Recovery system etc to do it on the app and also have a good time to make sure you have a good day for the future of your business and your experience of using a Google support system to help me with the process of using my account and I will be able to help with the company and the customer service and support the customer to confirm if you have any queries please let me know and I can confirm you are speaking to me directly via email and I will be there including my phone. HUWAIE Id's. thank you for the information you sent to me and my Network Connection my account security my phone huawei device returned to me a new condition and recovery system

Asked by OfficialARyan276 5 days ago