Why doesn't our website appear in organic search results like it does in Chrome?
website address: www.spBusinessInsurance.com
Search strings: az minining insurance az garage insurance nv mining insurance ca mining insurance
All Replies (2)
Mozilla doesn't control the search engine that is the property of the company that makes the Search program.
Try clearing the cache and cookies in Chrome and possibly get the same results.
Suggest cleaning up your code : https://validator.w3.org/ HTML there are errors but minor but still not correct as per W3C.org Practices and Standards from the people who make the rules for Web Code and Web Browsers. then CSS https://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ ERROR in CSS cannot validate.
Get your self a Google Webmaster Account and Submit and see any warnings.
Please know you are running a unsupported and insecure browser. 57+ is secure.
Please let us know if this solved your issue or if need further assistance.