Why do you .. with my settings when you perform an update. Can you please leave my ... settigs alone? I hate Yahoo.
I just updated FireFox and found that my default search engine had been changed from Google to Yahoo. I .. hate Yahoo! and am starting to hate Mozilla's tactics. You develop the software, but once I install and configure on my computer its mine. Stop .. with my settings. Please and Thank You.
edit due to language, no need to use the F word to get your post across.
All Replies (1)
That would annoy me too. However, I don't think any changes have been made to default search engine since around December 2014 when the search contract for North America changed. At least not intentionally.
I assume you were updating from a much more recent version.
Were you able to change your default back to Google and does it stick?
Did you notice any other changes?
Some users have received a prompt during an update to speed up Firefox by restoring some default settings. If you click that button, the Refresh feature runs and your settings folder is moved to the desktop inside an Old Firefox Data folder. Do you see anything like that?