Viewing any articles on will jump to an error page within seconds Paste the above url in firefox android, no matter the version. After page load, wait for several seconds, firefox will try to redirect to the following url which is invalid because I don't want to install zhihu native app on my phone.
Chrome does not have this issue, which means zhihu cannot force user install native app when viewed in chrome. However, firefox provided the opportunity to force open articles in native app even though user don't want to install the native app.
All Replies (2)
If zhihu want the redirect, please redirect in background and supress the error message if native app does not exist so user is able to finish reading the web page on firefox rather than switching to chrome to do so
I have just tried to open that link and it works without a problem.
What is the error message that you are seeing?
Do you have any add-ons installed in Firefox for Android?