Pocket Premium Suggested Tags

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Suggested Tags is a feature in Pocket Premium. Click here to learn more and subscribe to Pocket Premium.

After the save feature, tagging is the second most important feature in Pocket as this is how you can organize what you've added to your account. Suggested Tags takes the extra work out of keeping your Saves organized — after upgrading to Pocket Premium, you’ll see your most recent tags used (selected from those in your account) so you can add them to your saved item with a single click.

As you create and use the tags in your Pocket account, the more personalized and accurate they'll become as suggestions. To get the most out of Suggested Tags, you'll want to be tagging whenever you save or when reviewing your items. Suggested Tags can only come from tags you've created in your account.

Suggested Tags are available in Pocket’s apps for iOS, Android, and Web. They’re also available when using the Pocket Browser extension for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, and more.

Note: you must be online to receive Suggested Tags.

How is this different from free Pocket accounts?

In free accounts, your most recent tags are not displayed automatically. Instead, you must manually choose the tags you'd like to add from your tag list.

How to use Suggested Tags

Pocket for iOS and Android

As you type a tag name, you’ll see suggestions in the Suggested Tags section. Tap as many of these as you'd like to attach them to the saved item. When you're done, tap Save.

Pocket Add Tags

Pocket for Web

To add a tag to your saved items simply click the three dots at the bottom right corner of a card and select Add Tag. If you’re in Article View, you can create a tag by clicking the tag icon located at the top of the screen.

Pocket Add Tag

In this popup, you’ll see the Suggested Tags that were found for this item from tags in your account. Click as many of these as you'd like to attach them to the saved item. When you're done, click Save.

Pocket’s Browser Extensions

When you save a page to Pocket using our browser extensions for Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Edge, and additional browsers. You will see the Suggested Tags for this page within the Page Saved notification.

Save to Pocket

In this popup, you’ll see the Suggested Tags that were found for this item from tags in your account. Click as many of these as you'd like to attach them to the saved item. When you're done, click Save.

Common Questions

How can I improve the Suggested Tags I see?

The Suggested Tags feature is as powerful as the collection of tags you create in your Pocket account. If you have few or no tags in your Pocket, you may see few or no suggestions for tags when you save a link to your list. This means that you'll want to create and use tags on as many of your saves as possible, and Pocket will display your 3 most recently used Tags as suggestions. Because these suggestions come only from tags already in your account, the more that you create and use for your Pocket, the better Suggested Tags will become.

Czy ten artykuł okazał się pomocny?

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