
Recently while tracking down a problem with my Optus email account regarding a message stating that my quota of storage was reaching maximum, a Optus "tech" advised that… (czytaj dalej)

Recently while tracking down a problem with my Optus email account regarding a message stating that my quota of storage was reaching maximum, a Optus "tech" advised that I should change mr port number in my Thunderbird account and this has resulted in the now present fault condition. I can send emails from this PC without any problems but cannot receive any. I am sending this message from another PC thyat does not have this problem. What is the correct number for the port. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Thunderbird on the problem PC, even ded a system restore without success. Send OK, no receive. Help. Cheers, Gordon Shaw

Pytanie zadane przez Music1492maN 1 dzień temu

New Thunderbird cannot use hardware FIDO2 keys

At least on Linux, all versions of Thunderbird with Supernova UI are unusable for emails which requires a hardware key to login. The "insert key / input PIN" never shows … (czytaj dalej)

At least on Linux, all versions of Thunderbird with Supernova UI are unusable for emails which requires a hardware key to login. The "insert key / input PIN" never shows up in those versions. The bug presents on flatpak distributions and latest daily version (130) as well. The latest stable version that's working with hardware keys is 102, but it has some serious performance issues with large amount of calendar entries.

Pytanie zadane przez Haruka Ma 1 miesiąc temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez Haruka Ma 1 dzień temu

Email message responses.

I can't find the answer online. When I receive an email message and then several other people respond to the message, how shd I set up TB so the messages responding to th… (czytaj dalej)

I can't find the answer online. When I receive an email message and then several other people respond to the message, how shd I set up TB so the messages responding to the original message appear on my screen with the most recent one at the top of the list of responses?

Many thanks.

Pytanie zadane przez Lion Gardiner 1 dzień temu

Thunderbird AppData data is much larger than the equivalent Outlook .pst data

Outlook is used on one PC with POP3 data retrieval. Messages are only deleted by the email service provider if they are deleted in Outlook. Thunderbird is also used to… (czytaj dalej)

Outlook is used on one PC with POP3 data retrieval. Messages are only deleted by the email service provider if they are deleted in Outlook.

Thunderbird is also used to access the same accounts with IMAP access to the online accounts. All of the messages online have been downloaded by Thunderbird.

I am comparing the .pst Outlook files, and the various Thunderbird data files stored by the PC.

The Thunderbird data files are much larger than the Outlook files. For example, the largest Outlook .pst file is 2G. But there is a Thunderbird data file that is 8G.

Any reason or problem or cleanup suggestion regarding 20G of Outlook .pst data that appears as 30G of Thunderbird locally stored downloaded IMAP data?


Pytanie zadane przez Cervantes 1 dzień temu

Thunderbird attachment issue

Hi. I am using Thunderbird 128.2.1esr(64-bit), most recent update. Recently (about 1-2 months ago approx) some of my emails have started having an attachment that does no… (czytaj dalej)

Hi. I am using Thunderbird 128.2.1esr(64-bit), most recent update. Recently (about 1-2 months ago approx) some of my emails have started having an attachment that does not belong with it. For example, I just received an email that I know for a fact was not sent with an attachment, however in my inbox it shows that the email has an attachment. It is always the same attachment and is always the same file name, and is a file I received about two years ago. (The fie that gets attached is a legitimate one from a trusted source. It is a pdf file, and is always the same one when it gets attached to incoming emails). I can open the attachment everytime when it shows up, so it is acting like it belongs with the specific email, even though I know it is not supposed to be there. I also noticed that when this happens there is no text in the email message, just the attachment. This happens at random times and does not seem to have any specific pattern. I use a gmail account & am connected by imap. If I go directly to my google inbox the specific email shows as normal, meaning the attachment is not with it, and the text of the email shows up. How can I fix this? I have tried compacting my folders however that has not helped. I have scanned for any malware and the scans show no issues. I do not know what else to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you. Rich

Pytanie zadane przez AppraiserVT 2 dni temu

TB only Downloads 3 or 4 messages at a time

For the past week or two, TB only downloads 3 or 4 (never more than 4) messages at a time from my Gmail. Now, instead of just starting TB and it downloading all new messa… (czytaj dalej)

For the past week or two, TB only downloads 3 or 4 (never more than 4) messages at a time from my Gmail. Now, instead of just starting TB and it downloading all new messages, I have to click Get Messages multiple times to retrieve everything. I have seen similar questions here and the answers have all been variations of blaming the user. So: a) I have not changed any settings. b) It used to download all available messages, whether when TB started up or when I clicked Get Messages. c) Just now on starting TB, it took 6 clicks to retrieve 20 message. They are all text, no attachments, so the total size would be in KB, not MB. d) Using Speedtest, my connection speed is over 300 MB/second so it isn't a connection speed limit on my side. And I doubt it is a speed limitation on Gmail's side.

With all of that in mind, I would appreciate any suggestions of what could be causing the problem and what the fix might be.

Pytanie zadane przez firefox1043 1 miesiąc temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez firefox1043 2 dni temu

Can get mail, but can't send, what's going on

Email was fine until around 1. Now all of a sudden it won't send outgoing email. It just sits there and spins. This happened last week for few hours, but that was just be… (czytaj dalej)

Email was fine until around 1. Now all of a sudden it won't send outgoing email. It just sits there and spins. This happened last week for few hours, but that was just before the latest thunderbird update. It's annoying.

Pytanie zadane przez lynn bucy 2 dni temu


Hallo Team, bisher hatte ich mit Thunderbird keine Probleme, aber kommt wie aus den nichts immer die Meldung. Anmeldung auf den Server mit dem Benutzername… (czytaj dalej)

Hallo Team, bisher hatte ich mit Thunderbird keine Probleme, aber kommt wie aus den nichts immer die Meldung. Anmeldung auf den Server mit dem Benutzernamen "f.heben" fehlgeschlagen. Nochmals versuchen. Obwohl ich die Meldung anklicke, erfolgt keine Anmeldung,, sondern der oben genannte Hinweis kommt wieder. Warum? Muss ich etwas reparieren? Mit freundlichen Grüßen Franz Hebenstreit

Pytanie zadane przez f.heben 2 dni temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez f.heben 2 dni temu

Multi deleting msgs

when I select multiple msgs using the shift-arrow keys and hit delete an error pops up that says "msgs could not be moved or copied to the trash folder because writing to… (czytaj dalej)

when I select multiple msgs using the shift-arrow keys and hit delete an error pops up that says "msgs could not be moved or copied to the trash folder because writing to the folder failed. To gain disk spaces, from the file menu, choose empty trash, and then compact folders, and try again"

I've done this and it still does not work. I can delete msgs 1 at a time but when I get so many a day that takes a while.

I've tried reinstalling thunderbird to no avail.


Pytanie zadane przez Oakley1 2 dni temu

Can't send, or reply to, emails

I need to talk or chat with someone who can walk me thru a solution. Your online helps are beyond my comprehension. When I try to send, or reply to, a message, I get a sc… (czytaj dalej)

I need to talk or chat with someone who can walk me thru a solution. Your online helps are beyond my comprehension. When I try to send, or reply to, a message, I get a screen saying "Password required for outgoing (SMTP)" HELP!

Pytanie zadane przez jgraham89 2 dni temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez jgraham89 2 dni temu

typ serveru

Dobrý den, na starém PC jsem měla v nastavení serveru typ POP. Aniž bych cokoliv měnila, při instalaci Thunderbird do nového PC mám najednou typ IMAP. Jak se typ serveru … (czytaj dalej)

Dobrý den, na starém PC jsem měla v nastavení serveru typ POP. Aniž bych cokoliv měnila, při instalaci Thunderbird do nového PC mám najednou typ IMAP. Jak se typ serveru dá změnit? Jde mi o možnost zaškrtnutí volby Ponechat zprávy na serveru. děkuji Iva Gurecká

Pytanie zadane przez iva327 2 dni temu

Misplaced inbox during xfer

While transferring Mozilla Thunderbird from my old MAC computer (OS 10.11, TB 78.14) to my new MAC computer (OS 12.7.6, TB 128.1.1) everything went well except that the “… (czytaj dalej)

While transferring Mozilla Thunderbird from my old MAC computer (OS 10.11, TB 78.14) to my new MAC computer (OS 12.7.6, TB 128.1.1) everything went well except that the “inbox” for 2 of my main accounts were not placed at the top of the left hand column with my other account inboxes. I found them in the account “envelopes” at the bottom of that left hand column. 1. How can I move them back to the top of the left column under the “main general inbox”? 2. How can I reorder these inboxes so that my main inboxes are at the top? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Pytanie zadane przez har-ros 2 dni temu

IMAP certificates

Can no longer send/receive email. Error message about "certificates", ports?, IMAP? settings......... Have tried various combinations and receive a variety of error mas… (czytaj dalej)

Can no longer send/receive email. Error message about "certificates", ports?, IMAP? settings......... Have tried various combinations and receive a variety of error massages.

Pytanie zadane przez landlady5 2 dni temu

Starting Thunderbird is extremely slow

Hello, I recently bought a MacBook Air 2024 with G3 chip (Sonoma 14.6.1) and used Time Machine to transfer all the data from my previous Apple MacBook Air from 2015 (Moja… (czytaj dalej)

Hello, I recently bought a MacBook Air 2024 with G3 chip (Sonoma 14.6.1) and used Time Machine to transfer all the data from my previous Apple MacBook Air from 2015 (Mojave 10.14.6) to the new computer. This also transferred my Thunderbird profile folder. It has the extension .default and an 8-digit combination of letters and numbers in front of it. Since the old version of Thunderbird no longer ran on Sonoma, I installed Thunderbird 115.15.0 and then opened Thunderbird on the new MacBook Air. Since then, Thunderbird has been taking an extremely long time to open (much longer than on the old MacBook Air with Mojave. Yesterday I updated to 128.2.0esr, which didn't help either. I deleted a deactivated extension in the add-ons, so that there are now no extensions, only a few dictionaries that I deleted as a test, which also did not bring any improvement. Switching off the hardware acceleration, clearing the cache and changing the themes did not improve the situation either. With the themes, I can only switch between dark, light and system theme - automatically. I checked and made sure that Thunderbird actually loads the .default profile folder from my old computer as the active profile. However, Thunderbird has also automatically set up a second profile with the extension .default-release. Could this be causing the problem? My active profile folder has a size of 15.21 GB and the new .deault-release profile folder has 18.6 MB. Both profile folders are located in Library/Thunderbird/Profiles I am quite desperate and hope that someone can help me. Thank you very much!

Pytanie zadane przez buy9 2 dni temu

Ostatnia odpowiedź udzielona przez buy9 2 dni temu

The spam in my junk mail box is getting worse not better. I have been marking spam as junk for over a month. Has something happened to the junk mail filter?

I have been assiduously marking all the junk and non-junk items coming into my junk mailbox for over a month. The situation was better, the volume of junk mail was decrea… (czytaj dalej)

I have been assiduously marking all the junk and non-junk items coming into my junk mailbox for over a month. The situation was better, the volume of junk mail was decreasing by half every two weeks. Now it is rising again to pre-thunderbird levels. Has something happened to the junk mail filter to stop it from working? Why does it take so long to identify junk. The same words keep appearing: debt, lawn, lawyer, cancer, zantac, loans, credit, glasses, frames, windows, insurance, fitness. If I can spot these why can't a the filter. Honestly, this spammer is driving me nuts. My account is with

Pytanie zadane przez tapping-finch-open 2 dni temu

Sending of the message failed when trying to digitally sign a message with OpenPGP

As the title says, when I enable the "Digitally sign" option for OpenPGP in a new mail, I get "Sending of the message failed" when trying to send, but if I disable only t… (czytaj dalej)

As the title says, when I enable the "Digitally sign" option for OpenPGP in a new mail, I get "Sending of the message failed" when trying to send, but if I disable only this option, then the message sends successfully.

That is the case whether I encrypt or not the message.

The versions of Thunderbird I tried where: 115.14.0 and 128.1.1esr.

Pytanie zadane przez RagingCub 2 dni temu

Problem with received email

Please, explain me (with pictures) what should I do, to be able to read my received emails in Tb =_NextPart_000_0004_01CF8E51.6DEBD160 Content-Type: image/jpeg; name=… (czytaj dalej)

Please, explain me (with pictures) what should I do, to be able to read my received emails in Tb


Content-Type: image/jpeg; name="IMG_4792.JPG" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="IMG_4792.JPG"

Pytanie zadane przez mgdkra 2 dni temu