akshata said
I am trying to disable f10 shortuct key in fireforx as I am using Linux OS.Please help
Hello akshata,
As I don't know which distribution you're on, would you please take look at these search results
'Hope you can find the answer there ......
''akshata [[#question-1236006|said]]''
I am trying to disable f10 shortuct key in fireforx as I am using Linux OS.Please help
Hello akshata,
As I don't know which distribution you're on, would you please take look at [https://www.google.nl/search?authuser=0&ei=3pe0W8TUEbLlkgX-gaHwAw&q=on+linux+%3A+how+to+disable+F10+shortcut+key++%3F&oq=on+linux+%3A+how+to+disable+F10+shortcut+key++%3F&gs_l=psy-ab.3...191342.219175.0.219988. these search results]
'Hope you can find the answer there ......