Windows 10 1903 Generic Text only print to file does not work correctly when printing a selection from Thunderbird email
When I select a portion of an email and try to print it to a text file using windows 10 generic text only printer, the text scrolls across the page with a few characters printed on each line before it continues 1 line down. This is seen when the file is opened with Windows notepad.
A test page for the printer prints correctly. A text file previously created in notepad also works correctly.
Any suggestions?
All Replies (5)
Do you see that when you print preview?
Excellent question. I hadn't paid attention to that. However, the print preview looks normal but the actual text file still scrolls across the page.
I suspect we are dealing with unicode V's ANSI issues here.
as a test, download notepadd++ and open the file with it. do you see the same thing?
Basically the same thing. slightly different in that there are some vertical lines displayed which may be tab lines.
So far the only work around is to copy the text and past into notepad and print to file from there. Of course I can just save the notepad file to my disk.
Clumsy. Doesn't answer why the print selection to text doesn't work correctly.
Oh well, somethings will just have to remain mysteries.