Can I recover deleted thunderbird profiles?
While deleting a profile that I no longer using I really messed up. When the option to delete files poped up I accidently hit yes. Now all of my profiles are gone. NOT from the CHOOSE USER PROFILE option that pops up when thunderbird starts but from my computer.
Example: " C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\usb8np.XXXXXXXX" is where the profile was, now "usb8np.XXXXXXXX" does not exist.
All of the info in " C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Roaming\Thunderbird\Profiles\" is gone.
Is there any way to recover these and undue my massive blunder?
Thanks in advance.
All Replies (2)
Check your recycle bin immediately to see if it's there. If this is a POP account, I think it's lost, otherwise.
Thanks for the quick response David.
I had both POP and IMAP accounts. I'm not to worried about the IMAP account.
Already checked. First thing I did. Not in the recycle bin. Also windows was supposed to be backing up my Thunderbird directories but unbeknownst to me, for some reason it had stopped some whiles back, not sure why, so I have no recent backups. DANG.