Norton 360 update.exe prevent Firefox broweser opening after applying update
Hi there
My Norton 360,flashes up a message saying updater,exe is safe.So when I download the latest Firefox update My Norton stops me opening my browser!!
Whats going on,I deleted the update and then the browser opens again!!
Any ideas,I haven't had this before,when updating Firefox,and this does not happen on my other PC my laptop is Windows Vista SP2 AMD Turion x2 processor 4gb ram I
would be greatful for any help
All Replies (11)
Please update to version 19.0.2 and make sure that Norton is updated to its latest version.
Hi there
The same problem happened today,Norton stopped me updating,Firefox I have the latest Norton update
I have managed to update to Firefox version 20,via the Firefox site but this Norton problem happens each time I check for Firefox updates
Very Frustrating,any help or a solution would be very welcome
Maybe you will have to review your Norton settings.
Please say exactly what Norton software and versions you have installed. A screen shot of the problem and the message would possibly help.
- see How do I create a screenshot of my problem?
- it is also worth consulting the Norton forum
try to disable for a short period the Norton protection dowload firefox install it and after restart the protection,the problem is that norton based is knowladge in base of the "age" of evry file more old and more people use it more is safe, other way can be to make more "permissive" trought its setting.
hi john
Im using Norton 360 ,the latest version
when I get an update from Firefox.Norton dialog box appears,saying
updater.exe is safe,this is preventing the Firefox browser window to open
Hi Ami94
Thanks,but not sure how to do this,so any help would be greatful
Hi dave66, I have used some Norton software sometimes in the past but not recently.
I was trying to check exactly what Norton software you have as I imagine Norton 360 may come in different versions and may also have other software associated with it.
You mention
"..... Norton dialog box appears,saying updater.exe is safe,...."
Although I do not understand the Norton software that sounds to me as if Norton is checking then allowing the update. As I said earlier if you attach a screenshot of the message it may help.
It suspect it is quite possible the problem is with the setup or settings that you are using. Otherwise we may have expected many more posts in this forum.
We have an article on Norton 360 that you may find useful, but it relates to Norton 360 version 3, and was last updated in 2012 so I am not sure how up-to-date it is. (Thier forum mentions N 360 v6))
- Configure Norton 360 to work with Firefox_configure-norton-360s-firewall
Your best source of advice is probably the Norton forum that I linked to in the last post.
I'm having the same problem. Every time I log in Norton 360 informs me that updater exec is safe, but my browser is blocked. I have to delete the updater exec to get my browser working. I'm going to ditch firefox and go back to Internet explorer. Can't go through this hassle every time I want to use Firefox. I would like to know how many other users experiencing the same problem. RD
Hi Jacksonr
Yeah real pain in the bum.What I did was uninstall the existing Firefox version
And installed the latest Firefox version , 20.0.1 from the Mozilla website
So far no problems,but to be fair ,no updates have appeared for this brand new version.
Have you tried to update Norton, and then contact their customer support? They shouldn't be blocking Firefox from updating and you may have an incorrectly configured install of Norton
Hi Dave66, thanks for your advice. I followed your recommendation, installed the latest Firefox version, and so far have had no problems with updating exec. / Norton 360 stopping the updating process. So far so good, but like you it remains to be seen what happens when new Firefox version becomes available. Jacksonr