Not able to read article in message body
I just added below to the RSS feed;
Now, when I click Blogs & News feeds from folder pane & click on Hacker News, I can see all the latest messages there. But when I click on the messages, there is no preview, nothing.. I am not able to make this work.
Please see screenshot for reference.
PS: I have been trying to fix this from more than a day now, pardon me if it is repetetive.
Firefox Version: 78.5.1 OS: Ubuntu 20.04
All Replies (4)
It works here (see picture). Check that View/Feed Message Body As is Default Format or Web Page.
I tried that, it just doesn't work. (check screenshot)
The only way this works is, if i select "toggle web page and summary in message pane", in this case, if I double click on the link, it gets loaded. This is inconvenient.
I have Open as Web Page as the default for that setting, and the feeds open in the Message Pane without clicking a link. This is TB 78.5.1/W10, but I can't say why it doesn't work on Linux.
Yeah, this is giving me hard time.
Tried almost everything which is available regarding this issue.
I hope someone can help.