I'm told my version of Firefox is outdated but About Firefox says I'm up to date
When I go to the Mozilla Support website I'm told that Firefox 37.0.2 is out dated but when I go to About Firefox, I'm told that I'm running version 37.0.2 and that I'm up-to-date. Perplexing.
All Replies (7)
Yes, it is perplexing! Firefox 38.0 was released Tuesday but the update is initially trickled out to watch for major bugs, so About Firefox does not always pick it up in the first few days. This is normal. If you would like to speed up the process, you can download the full installer and run it, and it will detect your existing installation and update it.
https://www.mozilla.org/firefox/all/ (scroll down to your preferred language)
Actually, on Mac, I think it is different than on Windows where the installer takes care of removing the earlier version. On Mac, I think you have to trash something (program file, NOT data). Please see:
Yeah, that is what I just did trying to solve a problem with another web site. I now have FF35, FF37.0.2, & FF38 all installed. Note that installing FF38 did NOT update the 37.0.2 installation but is a separate application; I can still launch 37.0.2 or any other older version of FF I have installed (just not when a version of FF is already running since they all use the same plist).
jscher2000 said
Actually, on Mac, I think it is different than on Windows where the installer takes care of removing the earlier version. On Mac, I think you have to trash something (program file, NOT data). Please see:
No, I could do the updates via the About Firefox route as that is how I went from FF34.x.x to FF36.x.x to FF37.0.0 to 37.0.1 to 37.0.2; it was going from the latter to FF38.0.0 that didn't work.
BTW, I wasn't asked about the DRM setting when I launched FF38.
romad said
BTW, I wasn't asked about the DRM setting when I launched FF38.
Me neither. Maybe we'll get a message the first time we encounter DRM'd media that uses that feature??
Yes, that will probably be it.
Firefox 38 was pulled from release due to a stability issue. It will be released in a day or two as Firefox 38.0.1. Please continue to use Firefox 37.0.2 until that point.
As for DRM, there is not DRM support on Firefox for Mac at this time. It will come at a later point.