Pocket for Web

Pocket's web application.

Pocket website cookies FAQ

Information about usage and customization of cookie settings on the Pocket website.

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 10/23/2023

Using Pocket offline

This article provides you information on how to use Pocket offline.

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 01/02/2024

Highlighting in Pocket

Highlighting is both a Free and Premium feature. For free Pocket accounts, you can create up to 3 highlights per article. Highlight on iOS, Android and Web.

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 03/01/2024

Viewing and editing Your Pocket profile

When you recommend items on Pocket, they will appear on your profile. Think of it as your curated list of content that you’re recommending.

Pocket Pocket Last updated: 01/25/2024

Sharing from Pocket on your computer

Pocket’s website provides multiple ways to share your saved items. Continue reading to learn how to share your saves outside of Pocket.

Pocket Pocket Created: 08/28/2023
Illustration of hands


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