Gmail mobile website does not load
Devoted Firefox user here. Tried Firefox on my LG G2 running lollipop 5.0.2. When I visit Gmail it tells me I'm trying to load basic html website, and gives me the following alternatives: 1. Take me to the latest Gmail 2. I'd like to use HTML Gmail.
First alternative gets me stuck in a loop, refreshes the same screen every time I tap.
Not interested in the basic html version so I'm forced to use other internet browsers which are far less user friendly than Firefox.
I have tried to to enable/disable cookies, reset the app in phone settings etc. Even the phone itself had a fresh system reset.
Please make Gmail mobile website load properly!
All Replies (1)
Mozilla has little control over the content of the website. Firefox is a robust standards compliant browser. Websites on mobile have a bad habit of assuming that all browsers are Chrome or Safari. In short the Gmail team would need to fix their website.