In Thunderbird 38.7.2 I tried to rename a folder where I just capitalized one letter and it refused! Bug?!
Making a few folders for filing messages from family, I accidentally named one without shift on the initial so I attempted Rename to change jack to Jack; Thunderbird refused saying that folder existed! I had to change it to Jick and then rename again to Jack! A little bit of a bug, I think, here. I have tried to find a bug forum or error log for Thunderbird and cannot find it. Is there one?
All Replies (1)
You didn't tell us what OS you use. Windows doesn't properly differentiate between uppercase and lowercase. So it considers jack and Jack to be equivalents. I don't know how Windows does renaming, but in the *nix world, there isn't a "rename" command; it uses "mv" (move). So moving from one folder to another, where the two folders' names resolve to the same value would be a logical impossibility. Maybe Windows uses the same method under the hood.
I suspect that OSX and Linux would have handled this more intelligently, because they would see jack and Jack as distinct and different names.
In changing it via an intermediary and different name, you have done exactly what I'd have advised you to do.