Accessing about:config on Firefox Android (August 2020)
This thread was not resolved and sould not have been closed. No adequate solutions, remedies, or promises for fixes were provided. No valid argument for not providing such was given. Please re-open.
It is the nature of mobile apps that users can only choose between the latest vesion and whatever version they currently have. When they allow the update they may regret it. It is actually quite troublesome to reinstall an older version of an app; on Android with an APK it is possible; but, quite frankly, users should be able to control which versions of apps are installed on their devices. GAFAM, of course, have no interest in allowing this.
Please roll-back Fenix from the main stream until it is actually ready for release, or risk making a thin user base even thinner.
All Replies (4)
There are two issues here, but only one you can solve: by reverting Android Firefox to pre-Fenix.
There are no plans to go back to that version of Firefox for Android at this time.
Are there any plans to re-include the removed features (this and support for most plugins/addons, amongst others), some of which are currently only available in 'Nightly', and some only in older versions?
We may be looking to to include these features in a future update but I do not know when that will be at the present time.