sync instructions shown on (firefox windows 11) how to sync my android devices are totally wrong
I just finished setting up my new pc with Windows 11 (Feb 2023 updates) and installed Firefox 110.0.1) and wanted to transfer my logins, passwords, etc, from my Android 12 Phone's Firefox 110.1.0, and other pcs. A window popped up giving instructions how to sync my phone, as follow:
- Sync Firefox on you phone or tablet. 1) open Firefox on your Mobile Device. 2) Go to the menu (<ios>&<android>menu examples shown) and tap sync and save data. 3. Tap ready to scan and hold your phone over this code.***
I'm 73, have used Firefox since first release in 2004. In all these years I have never seen SYNC in the instructions to "sync and save and to point the phone at a barcode-thingy" or at least not in this world. The instructions made it seem like SYNC was right there to see, but I had to dig thru layes of options to finally find it. You can blaim it on my 73 yr old brain, I guess, but nothing like these instructions exist in Windows or Android firfox. What in the world are your programmers smokin' these days. I would just as soon open up Edge or Chrome and did up the passwords I need to log into my banking and creditcard accounts...heck, it seems like MAYBE I should just dump Firefox after almost 20 years and just use those other browsers. At least there instructions are much simpler that this ol' man can follow. Please have someone review your published helps info on your webpages, and help those Sr. citizens like me to more easily find what we need without calling up grandsons or granddaughters for help (their parents are worse than I am at most techy stuff!) Chalmers
All Replies (3)
Sorry about typos, seems as if my keyboard keys have had 1 too many coffees spilt on them. And I did mean THERE and not "THEIR" because "there (on their) instructions ..."
Thank you for your feedback. We try our best to keep everything up to date and to sync guides to menu options and I am sorry that did not happen on this occaision.
Is there an answer here??? It must be a big secret?? Answer the question. Where is this SYNC BOTTON, on Chrome? Sure isn't on Firefox!