SWF playing corrupts desktop background
Using FF 3.6.13 on Fedora 13, KDE
When playing a SWF file in FF, the last viewed image corrupts the desktop background. Wherever another application has a white color, the latent image from the last SWF shows through.
As a test, I set the desktop background to solid white. The screen image can be seen at http://www.wrlee.com/Pictures/CorruptedBackground.jpeg This image was taken with a digital camera since the KSnapshot tool does not pick up the corrupted desktop background that is "showing through" the application. The picture shows the FireFox screen when I was typing this message.
Looking at the picture you can see the ghost image of the last SWF I viewed when I visited a website. (That site was http://www.sunbrella.com/ )
This is a very annoying bug since YouTube images are SWF, and SWF is used more and more in websites that I visit.
Logging off and back in (i.e., restarting the KDE window system) cures the problem until I stumble across the next SWF file and it corrupts the background again.
Need help! Badly!
Bill Lee
All Replies (3)
Also will add the image here.
I have the same issue with the latest Shockwave Flash 10.2 r152 player on Linux.
I can see the ghosted and crashed Flash player in Firefox if I change the background color to black (Edit > Preferences > Content > Colors).
I have reverted to Flash 10.1 r102 ( because of this.
Thanks for the response.
How do I go about reverting the Adobe Flash plugin in FF to the earlier version?
Or is there perhaps an alternate plugin for Flash?