How to report bad instructions or webpage error (?)
tl;dr There should be an easy and immediate way to do this. Am I missing something?
On 64-bit Windows 10.
Cannot report URL. Brief instr. are followed by KB article link. Click through. Instr. are irrelevant. Try to page back to get to orig. page. Doesn't display in Back arrow drop-down list. Doesn't display in history.
OS hangs obv. due to Patch Tuesday aftermath. User forces hard restart. OS updates itself. Firefox loses session. FF opens with page explaining why session was lost. Instr. (second Settings suggestion) are wrong. Cannot repro. Cannot fix. Want to report with specifics, incl. that UI labels do not match. Can only thumbs-down; no verbatim option. Look for way to contact page volunteers, e.g., Report bad content link. Cannot find any way to do that, even after browsing and searching.
User left stranded with no options to resolve.
All Replies (1)
Hi Lisa
What is the address of the website that is causing this problem?