My browser is missing: back, refresh buttons plus File, Edit, View, Tool buttons are missing.
I installed Firefox onto my computer and in doing so it removed my browser: back, Forward, Refresh buttons; also, the File, Edit, View, Tool, Help buttons are missing.
All Replies (5)
Hit the Alt key to show the Menu bar, then open View > Toolbars and select Menu bar and Navigation bar, so they have a check-mark.
Same Problem here that button does nothing at all...
The same problem as Rad Bell
i HAD the same problem and the alt key did it....i feel like a dumb ass. been on computers since the early 90s and crap like this still messes me up. bless you the-edmeister... im back on track!!
Thanks John! I had a drunk neighbor come over and after three hours he did fix it. But I lost all my bookmarks!