Unable to make Addres Book entry edits persist
Is anybody else experiencing issue trying to edit existing Address Book entries in Thunderbird 102.7.1 on Windows 10? I open an address entry to edit, and in this case, delete a second address entry where "United States of America" somehow found its way into the Street Address field on a Work address (the only entry in that address). I can delete the entry, press Tab, Save, and in the summary, it is initially gone, then pops right back up after about a second. I can also set the address to None while editing as well, to no effect.
This address book app looks like it is reused code from a failed startup designed and written when Windows 3.0 was all the rage.
I do use TBsync (you know, a THIRD PARTY add-on, to sync the address book <roll eyes>), but even with that turned off, the same thing occurs, so that is not the issue.
And... it's not everything. For example, I can edit the STATE and that will stick. But, try to eliminate a Notes entry? Not happening. It initially is gone as soon as I save the edit, but a second later, it pops right back up on the summary screen. So, at least trying to eliminate an address entry and a Notes entry doesn't work.
Anybody else?