Need to change the default language upon command line install of firefox 27
HI all. I am installing FF 27 via a batch file and want to know if there are any switches I can use to change the default language from en-US to en-CA ? I am replacing the dictionary from the default US to the Canadian one and want to ensure the language is set to Canada upon the initial installation.
Any suggestions?
Thanks SAS
All Replies (3)
Why are you installing Firefox 27? Please either use Firefox 29.0.1 or Firefox ESR.
Thanks but at this moment that is the Corp standard, besides that really didn't answer my question, did it?
But truly I would if I could
You can use a mozilla.cfg file in the Firefox program folder to lock prefs or specify new (default) values.
Place a local-settings.js file in the defaults\pref folder where also the channel-prefs.js file is located to specify using mozilla.cfg.
pref("general.config.filename", "mozilla.cfg");
These functions can be used in the mozilla.cfg file:
defaultPref(); // set new default value pref(); // set pref, but allow changes in current session lockPref(); // lock pref, disallow changes