Hi, Since upgrading to firefox 5, there is no google toolbar. I tried the suggestion to add a compatibility download, but that did not work. I need to be able to translate any web page from Spanish to English. Is there an alternative or will there be a fix later? The normal Google translate works okay and is very accurate but I do need the web page option. Although I have a Mac , I normally use firefox instead of safari many thanks
All Replies (1)
The Google Toolbar was created by Google, is maintained by Google, and is the sole responsibility of Google for it to work with Firefox. Google has not put an updated version on their site. Most add-ons that you use are on the Mozilla add-on site where other authors submit extensions and their code may be checked by Mozilla and others.
This bookmarklet will work, create a bookmark as follows. It will translate to whatever language you have set for yourself, which for me is English.
- Name: tr: translate from fr, de, etc.
- Location: javascript:location='http://translate.google.com/translate?u='+encodeURIComponent(location);
- Keyword: tr:
- Description: translate from (fr, de, etc.)
There are no spaces in the javascript code. Shown here or in those below (%20 is a space).
- After creating the bookmark, right-click on the e bookmark and fill in the keyword
To invoke simply type tr: into the Location Bar.
Name: tr:s translate selected text to English (Google translate)
- Location: javascript:q=""+(window.getSelection?window.getSelection()%20:%20%20document.getSelection%20?%20document.getSelection()%20:%20document.selection.createRange().text);%20if%20(!q)%20q%20=%20prompt("Enter%20your%20search%20here",%20"");%20if%20(q!=null)%20location="http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|"%20+escape(q).replace(/%20/g,%20"+");%20void%200
- Keyword: tr:s
- Description: translate from (fr, de, etc.)
To invoke simply make a selection then type tr:s into the Location Bar, and press "Enter"
Name: tr:text translate text to English (Google translate)
- Location: http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|%S
- Keyword: tr:text
- Description: translate from (fr, de, es, etc.)
Bad examples for these: (Good Morning. Have [a] nice day.)
- tr:text Guten Morgen. Haben schönen Tag.
- tr:text Bonne matin. Avez belle journée.
- tr:text Buenos días. Tenga un buen día.
I would not install the Google Toolbar on my computer, but for those who it will help see these:
Google Toolbar Add-ons are disabled after updating Firefox
I'd never even heard about Google Bookmarks before, until I learned about this extension. I don't think Google has keyword shortcuts, without them they wouldn't be of much use to me even though I'm not interested in keeping all my bookmarks and documents on a website beyond my control.
- GBookmarks (Google Bookmarks for Firefox) 25.6KB
Firefox has a builtin spelling checker, for some it works instantly, others have to create a persdict.dat file in their profile. Additional tips and information in these two links.
- http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/firefox/tab_capacity/001_with_underscore.htm#spellcheck
- http://dmcritchie.mvps.org/firefox/tab_capacity/001_with_underscore.htm#spellcheck_jumpstart
Google's response: [updated 07/19/2011 marked at bottom 0f their response ]
Toolbar not available for Firefox 5 or newer versions : Install or uninstall - Toolbar Help http://www.google.com/support/toolbar/bin/answer.py?&&answer=1342452
Google Toolbar Help: An update on Google Toolbar for Firefox
The Google Toolbar will not be supported on Firefox 5 and future versions
Additional information on using Firefox without the Google Toolbar can be found in the following more permanent article:
Using Google Toolbar features without toolbars - MozillaZine Knowledge Base